Friday, 18 April 2014

Good Friday

Good Friday wouldn’t be Good Friday without waking up to a massive stash of hot crossed buns! Whilst I’ve been trying my best to avoid all American and European shops and outlets in favour of the slightly questionable local alternatives, following two brief lunchtime hunts around three different food halls, it became apparent that Singapore wasn't going to help me out.
            Last year I made my own hot crossed buns, which were vaguely successful, but the oven in our flat, whilst great to cook meat and veggies is a nightmare for baking. I've never seen a lemon drizzle cake as sad as the one that I produced last weekend. I couldn't run the risk of disappointing hot cross buns. A pre-Easter trip to trusty M&S was utterly essential and truly unavoidable.
            Following our breakfast of champions, Nick and I spent the rest of our morning wandering around Tekka market buying veggies for the week and amazing sausages from our new meat guy. I love a good Tekka trip to kick start a lovely lazy day. 
           Whenever there's a free afternoon to be filled Liv and Flash are more than happy to host whoever is in town. Inevitably, Friday afternoon was therefore spent devouring meat and gin at a typical British style BBQ. We were told to arrive at around three, which would have been perfect, but at exactly 3pm the heavens opened and an almighty thunderstorm set in. Not to be put off, we made our way to their flat cowering under fairly inefficient umbrellas, before settling in for an afternoon of drizzly patio cooking and thunderstorm dodging. Thankfully we didn't have to fully embrace the British way of doing things, resorting to cooking in oven because it was too miserable to be outside, but it was a very good imitation of a good British garden party. 

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