Thursday, 17 April 2014

Easter weekend beckons

I’ve only been in Singapore for a few months, but I am already ridiculously excited about the fact that we’re finally got a lovely long weekend break from work. Two-day weekends just aren’t long enough! Sadly, as there are so many different religious holidays to celebrate over here, we only get Good Friday off and not the following Monday, but that’s more then enough for me!
            If I were back in London still, this would have been a beautiful four day weekend back in the Shire, probably with rains and storms for the most part, but with hot cross buns and decorated eggs scattered about the place. Dad has even sent through some pictures of the beautiful bluebell woods which definitely means that spring is on it's way! Living in a world with no seasons is really taking some getting used to. 
           Although we agreed to go away on fun adventures each weekend a month that I would normally have gone back home for, we opted to spend Easter here in Singapore and make the most of the local events instead. We’re off to Batam next week anyway, so we’ll save the travelling adventure for then.
            Thursday finally ended with half of Singapore emptying out of the city to go away for the weekend, and the other half going out for a big night on the town. On the contrary, Nick and I shuffled back to our flat to hide from the threatening thunderstorms and have a much quieter night than the rest of the world.    
            We picked up a curry from a Little India curry house just down the road and spent the rest of the evening huddled on the sofa, watching the storm brewing outside out balcony windows while finally making it to the end of Game of Thrones. I’ve spent the last two weeks steaming through the last three series so that I can watch the fourth series as it’s being released in the US – we were already two weeks late on the new series and I think Nick was finding the delay fairly stressful.
            It was a very quiet night, but in a way, a vaguely productive one, and the perfect end to what turned out to be a fairly stressful week. Thank goodness for a lovely long weekend of recovery time!

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