Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Wednesday silver linings

Today was a bit of a shocker at work, there was stress from start to finish, and I was hungry all morning which really didn’t help with the anger management that was required (I blame the dead bird for adding an unnecessary level of stress to my day!).
            Still, it was therefore with a lot of joy that I accepted an invite from my Singaporean work buddy Chong to try out the new Bak Ku Teh restaurant that has opened near our office. There are already two local offerings, so we were keen to try out the third.
            This is the meal that Nick has refused to try. Ever. And whenever I share pictures of it, everyone else seems to agree is pretty vile looking, but it’s very tasty, I promise! It’s just ribs and beef soup. Sure it’s called “meat bone tea”, and yes the broth style soup is a bit of a gross, sludgy grey colour, but it’s peppery, it’s got whole garlic cloves in it, it has yummy dips and sauces on the side to make it even more exciting, and it only costs around $6.00. For lunch, I think it’s a great option, and it’s a bit of a bargain too.
            Disappointingly, we both agreed that this new restaurant isn’t as good as our favourite one down by the river, but it’s good to have tried it out already, and it’s making the rest of my afternoon a whole lot more bearable. Plus, now I know that when I finally manage to get Nick to try it, it’s the river front restaurant that we will have to go to.  Probably won’t order the intestine stew again if he comes along though – that might be taking it one step too far!

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