Thursday, 18 September 2014

Chairing the Mob

Today was one hell of a stressful day! When I first moved to Singapore I signed up to join the IAB video committee. The intention was to take part, meet some people in the industry and hopefully get a copy of CV building volunteer roles completed before the end of the year.
            Somehow, when the chair of our committee stood down after a month, I ended up being moved into the role of chair, and I have been working hard to manage the time and work demands on top of all my usual work.
            The past few months have been building up to a training and education event that sold out last week, even though non-member tickets were priced at $500 a person. Crazy!
            The last few weeks have been a blur of agenda finalising, speaker management, brand alignment on random presentations and all sorts of other fun and exciting developments that ended up making it a pretty stressful few weeks.
            Thankfully, after a particularly stressful few days, and a horrendously busy morning, the event got underway at 12:30 today, and it’s finally all done and dusted. It was a day of highs and lows, which a couple of the speakers really not doing themselves proud, but it’s done, the feedback has been good enough and we sold out the event, which is really all I could have asked for.
            Now I just have ten documents and educational mail outs to get written and sent to our mailing list before the end of the year, and all the extra hard work is done! Let’s hope I don’t foolishly volunteer for anything else quite so stress inducing for the next few months.

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