Friday, 26 September 2014

Yet another weekend away!

I’m definitely not going to complain about the fact that I get yet another weekend away this week! Once I’ve had a client lunch and a two hour meeting this afternoon I will be making my way to meet Nick from his work, and then we'll be heading over to the airport ready for our weekend adventure to Ho Chi Minh City (or Saigon as I really would quite like it still to be called – it has more of a ring to it, and apparently that’s what all the locals call it still too!).
            This is the first weekend away that Nick and I have been on without other friends joining since the Shock & Awe adventure over a year ago, so it should be a lovely weekend of mooching around, a bit of sightseeing and let’s face it, a lot of eating!  I can’t wait! Apparently Ho Chi Minh is a city of motorbikes, and the traffic is so crazy that it's terrifying to just try and cross the roads. Fingers crossed we come back in one piece! 

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